Saturday Mixers

Saturday Mixers


December 14, 2024    
12:30 pm

Event Type

Saturday Mixers:  These Association League outings are played the second Saturday of the months of November-April.  Look for the bright green sign-up sheet on our smaller bulletin board.  You will meet players from other leagues and may even play with a Quail member that you haven’t met before.  This event is played in a four-person Scramble format. You don’t need to be a par golfer.  You need to want to meet more golfers and have an enjoyable round of golf.  Nine holes are played, some at Executive courses and some at Regulation courses.  You choose when/where you want to play.  This outing is a month-to-month choice.  You will pay green fees and $1 Sweeps on the day of play.  Questions?  See our Saturday Mixer committee coordinator.

First tee times: 12:15 p.m.

Jan 13, North,

Feb. 10, Willowbrook

March 9, Willowcreek

April 13, Quail Run

Nov. 9, Lakes East

Dec.14, Lakes West